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Lifestyle Lifestyle

How to live the week better

Lifestyle guides and tips for the wellbeing of the person

Rapeseed Oil
Rapeseed Oil

Is Rapeseed Oil Bad For You?

Dive into this comprehensive guide on rapeseed oil and discover its health benefits, nutritional profile, and how it stacks up against olive oil. Benvolio brings you science-backed information to separate myths from facts about rapeseed oil.

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How To Eat Healthy: 10 Golden Rules

How to eat healthy: 10 golden rules

Countless scientific studies have shown that a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are essential in maintaining health and preventing many diseases. Here are 10 golden rules on how to eat healthy.

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Aquafitness Water Activities

Aqua fitness: 5 Tips for doing water activities

Summer is approaching and with the warm season there is a greater desire to move, also to achieve physical fitness. The sultry heat of many areas, however, makes physical activity even more tiring, especially if carried out indoors. Here then is that water activities can become a valid alternative. Here are our tips.

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Summer Diet: 16 Tips For The Arrival Of Summer

Summer diet: 16 tips for the arrival of summer!

During the winter we tend to overdo it with food, arriving at the summer season with a few extra pounds. A correct diet, in quality and quantity, and a little daily exercise can be a valid help to regain physical shape and allow you to return to your size. Here are 16 helpful tips.

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5 Tips For A Correct Posture Of The Spine

5 Tips for a correct posture of the spine

The spine is an integral part of the skeletal system and, as such, has the function of supporting our body, protecting some very delicate internal parts, for example the spinal cord, and contributing to the movement possibilities of the torso. Let’s see some tips for maintaining correct posture.

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Allergy To Pollen

Allergy to pollen? 10 Tips for the right diet

For those suffering from pollen allergy it is very important to know the allergy to the type or species of plants and the relationships between plants and plant foods, so as to be able to avoid consuming foods that can give a cross-reaction during the period of pollination. Here are 10 tips for a right diet.

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The Benefits Of Physical Activity

The benefits of physical activity

Physical activity must enter into our daily life, just like other needs, such as nourishment or rest. Our culture must change, which often leads us to seek comforts, to the detriment of our health. Let’s see the benefits.

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Back To School After The Summer Holidays

Back to school after the summer holidays

A correct and balanced diet is essential for those who study and have to deal with the “back to school”, the resumption of school commitments that will intensify from week to week. Here are the most frequent mistakes in the diet and our tips for the right diet.

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Living Alone: What Eating Style To Follow

Living alone: what eating style to follow

Nowadays there are many and more and more singles, for reasons of work or study, by choice or because of situations that arise in the course of life. However, most of them, especially males, tend to follow a somewhat unbalanced diet. Those who live alone, in fact, often eat “what happens”, without giving the right importance to the time of the meal. Let’s see the mistakes to avoid.

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Back From Holiday

Exercises for a back from holiday with energy!

Often, during the holidays, we lead a more active life, thanks to the greater amount of free time, the games on the beach, perhaps the walks in the mountains; other people, on the other hand, take advantage of holidays (and sometimes high temperatures) to lead an even more sedentary life. Whether you belong to the “active” group or to the “sedentary” group, returning from holidays is still the right time to think about your physical shape: continue good habits on the one hand, or start again after the sedentary period … with a simple exercise program will make it possible to keep fit and, why not, overcome the “return stress” more easily.

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Fit Yoga Positions And Example Postures

Fit Yoga Positions and example postures

Yoga is considered a philosophy of life, which encompasses meditation techniques, breathing, physical postures and much more. Fit Yoga takes its cue from the more strictly physical component. Let’s see what it is and some postures to perform.

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11 Simple And Useful Shoulder Exercises

11 Simple and useful shoulder exercises

Do you want quick and easy exercises? We disassemble the broom handle and use it for exercises that will be useful for the mobility of the shoulder-blade girdle and the toning of the dorsal and shoulder muscles. To understand better, let’s start with a test, which will only be performed after adequate warm-up.

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The Good Mood Diet: How To Prevent Anxiety And Depression

How to prevent anxiety and depression with the good mood diet

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are of fundamental importance to prevent and combat mood disorders. It is in fact recognized that certain foods are able to decrease some symptoms related to anxiety and depression and that, therefore, can help us regain a good mood. Here is a list of the foods and nutrients that are part of it.

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Toning Exercises With The Cans Exercises At Home

Toning exercises with tin cans

Training at home and toning exercises without tools? With tins it is possible. We take two cans of canned peas, tomato pulp or beans, so our two “little tools” can be used safely by everyone. That’s how.

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