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The starting point for approaching food is simply summed up in the phrase "WE ARE WHAT WE EAT".

The wellness diet

To take the path of health we must find the right balance between the energy supplied with food and the energy expended to live, as well as physical activity.
The wellness diet, to maintain the best possible state of health, is a balanced diet capable of:

  • Ensure a correct calorie intake;
  • Provide all nutrients in adequate quantities and in the best ratio;
  • To be palatable and acceptable from an ethnic and cultural point of view.

A balanced diet must take into account the quantity and quality of food, which must be taken considering the following aspects:

  • Moderation: do not exceed the limits, the quantity must be sufficient and not excessive;
  • Variety: it is important to consume everything, the diet must be varied because no food, taken individually, is able to satisfy all the needs of our organism;
  • Balanced: there must be a fair proportion between food sources, the energy intake must be ensured by a balanced ratio of carbohydrates, proteins of animal and vegetable origin, fats (oils), vitamins and mineral salts.
Well Being

The distribution in frequency and quantity of foods that can be consumed during the day, week or sporadically, can be reported in the form of a pyramid.
The Mediterranean Food Pyramid, at the base of which are the foods to be consumed in greater quantity and frequency, and at the top of which there are foods to consume little.

The Mediterranean diet has the following characteristics:

  • Not high caloric intake;
  • Good amount of mono and polyunsaturated fats;
  • High amounts of dietary fiber;
  • Adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals;
  • Reduced quantities of simple sugars;
  • Low amount of saturated fat and cholesterol;
  • Possible replacement of salt with aromas and herbs;
  • Good / high palatability;
  • High life expectancy.

By consciously integrating (following the principles of the Mediterranean diet) our wellness oils into your daily diet, you will be able to enjoy their multiple benefits.
The range of wellness oils offered by Benvolio includes only products of plant origin, perfect to be included in the daily diet as condiments or ingredients for your recipes.
They are all oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. Some of them, such as linseed oil and hemp oil, are rich in unsaturated fats of the Omega 3 and Omega 6 polyunsaturated family, essential fats for our body, which we must necessarily integrate with the diet because we are not in able to synthesize them.

Others, such as peanut oil, avocado oil and extra virgin olive oil, are rich in unsaturated fats from the mono-unsaturated family, which are also fats that help control blood cholesterol.

Then there are oils rich in Vitamin E, such as sunflower oil and high oleic sunflower oil, and oils that are a source of Vitamin E, such as extra virgin olive oil, corn oil and peanuts, which provide this powerful natural antioxidant against the activity of free radicals and cell oxidation.

Vegetable oils are real cure-all for the well-being of skin, hair and also for the body, when they can be taken as supplements. Their properties are manifold.

Cosmetic science also makes extensive use of them, including them in the formulas of many skin care products. In the latter case, many women have a habit of adding them to beauty creams or masks to enhance their effect.

Vegetable oils are among the most natural products that we can use in our beauty routine, as they are free of chemical preservatives, as well as being more effective and easily assimilated by the epidermis.

They are also practical, because they are applied in small quantities and quickly with a light massage. They are versatile, because they can be used pure or combined in drops with your favorite cosmetic, but they can also be used to prepare home-made recipes such as hair wraps and face masks.

Natural vegetable oils are very precious for maintaining skin hydration and allowing the assimilation of all the beneficial substances from which they are composed; or from mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, and from other constituents among which we often find substances with an antioxidant action such as tocopherols and carotenoids.

They have an emollient and often antioxidant action, in this case useful for fighting the action of free radicals, with anti-aging activities. Among our cosmetic oils we find coconut oil, linseed oil, grape seed oil and many others … Discover the entire range of cosmetic oils for your well-being in the dedicated section!

Well Being

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