From extra virgin olive oil to coconut oil: a complete line of organic products to ensure you the best natural quality

Our choice in wanting to promote organic oil is characterized by some factors that we find decisive in our company philosophy. In fact, organic farms are attentive to environmental protection, they are distinguished from traditional ones by the ability to store greater quantities of carbon in the soil, and with this they obtain both a substantial improvement in the level of fertility, and a decrease in the risk of erosion of the soil. As evidence, in fact, the lands cultivated with the organic method record a greater capacity to retain and filter water, which translates into a significant reduction in the need for irrigation, with substantial savings for farmers and a decrease in the impact of drought. and floods.
Our company not only aims to improve the experience of the final consumer, but aims to increase the quality of life of every single life involved in the production chain of our organic products and oils.
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Of agricultural or livestock breeding technique, which excludes or limits the use of chemicals in fertilizers and feed.
Organic products, true well-being for every single life

Another basic pillar of the organic method, applied by Benvolio 1938, is the refusal of the use of fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and other pesticides and synthetic chemicals , whose negative effects directly impact on the environment, on cultivated products, and finally also on consumers. The alternative chosen is the wise use of organic fertilizers as a source of the nutrients necessary for plants, with the selection of varieties that are perhaps less productive but more rustic and resistant to disease and adversity.
By choosing organic production, in particular organic oil, we at Benvolio contribute to reducing the pollution of water, soil and air. THE organic products protect human health by providing very rich food from a nutritional point of view and free from toxic residues.
It is necessary to underline that a fundamental criterion of organic farming is respect for biodiversity . The creation of an ecological balance between the soil, plants and animals guarantees a higher quality of food products which are generally richer in mineral salts, substances with an antioxidant effect, and dry matter.
Two types of oil for seasoning, allies
of our daily health
It should be emphasized that organic farming provides for a solid control system of the production method, with regular inspections in the field and in the warehouses, with the traceability of the products and the monitoring of the entire production cycle by national control bodies appointed by the MIPAAFT, in our case Bioagricert . This represents a guarantee not only for the quality of the products, but also for respect for the environment.
With our organic products and oils, in fact, we can guarantee you the quality of the raw material through the production process, right up to the table. Through the QR Codes, which you can find on our organic products, you will be able to check the history of the organic oil you have purchased through a tracking system obtained in collaboration with Trakyfood , with blockchain guarantee.