Peanut Oil Processed in Italy 750ml


Benvolio 1938 Peanut Oil, with a delicate and slightly toasted taste, is obtained from a careful selection of peanut seeds and is processed and bottled in Italy . Excellent for crispy and light frying.

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Peanut Oil Processed in Italy 750ml
Questo prodotto si sta esaurendo velocemente!


Spesso acquistati insieme

+ Olio di Semi d'Uva 100% Italiano 750ml
Prezzo per entrambi: Original price was: €15,58.Current price is: €14,80.

Healthy ingredients and benefits
for a healthy life


Did you know that …

Benvolio 1938 Peanut Oil is produced from a careful selection of the best peanut seeds belonging to the Arachis hypogaea variety . Our product is processed and bottled in Italy .

Cosmetic use

Benvolio 1938 Peanut Oil is an excellent moisturizer for the skin and hair. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties thanks to the presence of Vitamin E. Perfect for the preparation of masks and packs.
Peanut oils


Benvolio 1938 Peanut Oil is naturally rich in monounsaturated fatty acids which contribute to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels.

Source of Vitamin E , a powerful natural antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage from oxidative stress. With this product you bring taste and well-being to the table!

Peanut oil ... A thousand uses!

Peanut butter

Fried meat and fish
Fried vegetables
Coockies without butter
Bakery confectionery products

Taste the difference

Our secret is to have no secrets.


A beautiful Amber color is certainly a distinctive trait of this oil.


A decidedly delicate taste despite the decidedly toasted aftertaste


A very pleasant scent, also in this case we feel the light roasting.

Inspiration by Benvolio

Do you have any questions we haven't answered?

Benvolio 1938 Peanut Seed Oil, due to its predominantly monounsaturated acidic composition, has a high stability at high temperatures making it perfect for frying.

Benvolio 1938 Peanut Seed Oil, with its delicate and slightly roasted flavour, is an excellent substitute for butter in the preparation of desserts, without altering the flavour and providing better nutritional characteristics.

Benvolio 1938 peanut oil is a refined product.

We have decided, after various ethical considerations on environmental impact and convenience, to use only tin (steel) packaging. This material is totally recyclable, more impact resistant and lighter than glass.

Benvolio 1938 Peanut Seed Oil is naturally gluten-free.