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5 Tips on how to fry in the best way

We know it: frying is good, fun and “social”. The most delicious cooking method ever, brings everyone together around that sizzle that makes your mouth water: we can’t wait to eat croquettes, meatballs or chips with our hands and in company.

We also know that frying is to be used sparingly, especially for its significant caloric intake. However, there are some rules that ensure correct frying: let’s see them together!

Come Friggere

How to fry? Here's how to make the perfect fry

The art of frying may seem simple, but it should be studied and not underestimated. By following a few simple tips, you can bring tasty and, hear hear, light dishes to the table!

  • Start with the right oil . Fundamental, in fact, is the choice of the right oil in which to immerse your food. The best oil is peanut oil because it holds up well to high temperatures without burning.
  • Check the temperature . Before cooking, check that the oil temperature is correct. The procedure is simple: just dip a small piece of bread or carrot and, if it sizzles on the surface, the oil is ready to be used!
  • Use a lot of fried oil. Exactly, you read correctly: it is better to use a large quantity of oil to pour into a pot and in which to dip the dishes. Once ready you can use a slotted spoon to recover them.
  • Fry a little at a time. The mistake of the beginner who doesn’t know how to fry is to want “everything and immediately” and to immerse more than one dish in oil. Stop! Many pieces all together lower the temperature, resulting in less crunchy and much more greasy fried food.
  • Learn to warm up. It might seem strange to you, but here’s a little tip for bringing steaming hot fried food to the table: once a piece is cooked, put it in the hot but turned off oven with the door open. Do this with all the pieces to ensure the success of your dish. Last tip: don’t cover them or the steam will undermine their crunchiness!
5 Tips On How To Fry In The Best Way

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